Resistance is all we have left

When last I scrubbed the floor
There was only grime on it.
When last I cleansed it's cracks,
There was no puddle of dried blood.
When last I examined it this closely,
No man had died on it's tiles.

When last we went to war,
My son was not a casualty.
When last we marched on foreign shores,
It was to free the world for democracy.
When lasts congress voted two thirds "yea,"
I fled to Canada, to free the world from democracy.

When last we found new leaders,
I did not vote; both evils were equal.
When last there was a change of power,
The power didn't change, only those who controlled it.
When last we elected a new god,
I watched on television with a beer in my hand.

When last I was truly free,
There was no McCarthy.
When last I walked without hindrance,
I had a shack in the woods and no taxes.
When last we weren't oppressed,
The government of the people, by the people,
and for the people was anarchy.
Night Drawing Me In
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