Introductory conversation

how much does it cost and
where can I get one
what kind of warranty does it come with and
where is the nearest authorized service center
oh, by the way, does it come in blue because
blue is my favorite color
and yours is beautiful
so I really must get one and
to tell you the truth
I don't even know what it is or how it works

but I'm sure I could use one if I got one
and besides you would explain it to me
wouldn't you
because I know how good you are with things like that
you know the ones that don't really
matter to me at all but
you have one and when I grow up
I want to be just like you

so please can we quit with the small talk and
get down to some real issues that

I couldn't care less about
except they interest you so
I'll listen and smile and lend
a sympathetic ear and a kind word
because I've been there before and
I really do understand what you're going through
so take it easy and keep on going
and never stop dreaming
and there, there
lets talk about something else
Closed For Repairs
History and The Game
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